Social and psychological monitoring system
Emotion Recognition and Big Data Analytics in one solution
NV Emotions provides solutions for emotion recognition in video streams using neural networks technology.
We combine the technologies of computer vision and big data analytics to create systems of emotion monitoring, both for individuals and groups of people.
Our solutions - are protected by certificates for Intellectual Property.
Our mission - is to ensure maximum comfort and safety of social interaction in public places for every person.
A key feature of our solutions - is the ability to regularly monitor emotions and detect various types of individual and group emotional effects, ranging from situational reactions to certain content to chronic fatigue syndrome and emotional burnout.
Our story
In February, a violent attack happened at a school in Perm, Russia. To ensure the safety of schools, hospitals and other important public facilities, we came up with the idea of emotion monitoring. Six months later, we created a prototype and tested it in one of the local schools.
We launched pilot projects of emotion monitoring in three schools in Perm. At the same time, we sent an application for the invention of "A system of emotion monitoring" to get an international patent.
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We successfully finished our pilot projects in schools and started developing new product solutions based on the System of Emotion Monitoring.
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We are working on the following pilot projects:
  • monitoring the efficiency of remote employees integrated with 1C system
  • monitoring the loyalty of video conference participants
  • a tool for testing foodstuffs by monitoring children's emotions.
Our technology
Initially we just wanted to create a tool for preventing dangerous incidents in schools. After several months of collecting and processing data within our pilot projects, we came up with the technology for emotion monitoring.
Regular emotion monitoring allows you to:
  • prevent operator mistakes arising from overwork in production facilities and other industries
  • determine group and individual loyalty of the audience to certain types of content, during conferences and training events
  • provide targeted psychological support in schools and colleges
  • manage the efficiency of remote employees during self-isolation
How emotion monitoring works
Ready solutions
Emotion monitoring at school allows you to solve the following tasks:
  • provide targeted psychological support for students
  • prevent dangerous situations or respond to them immediately
  • prevent individual and group conflicts between students and teachers
  • analyze the effectiveness of educational activities and students' attitude to them and many more
      In 'Education' mode, the system analyzes the effectiveness of the learning process:
      • is the right person sitting in front of the camera (biometric detection)
      • the number of hours of active work
      • emotional reaction to content, to individual educational activities and the learning process in general
      In 'Exam' mode, the system controls cheating:
      • variation in poses
      • eyes and head movements
      • use of unauthorized objects
      The same solution can be used to monitor the performance of remote employees
      Work time monitoring, emotion recognition and efficiency analysis of operator's actions in emergency response centers, call centers or production lines.
      Our news
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        NV Emotions LLC
        614089 Russia, Perm,
        Samarkandskaya street, building 94, office 23
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